February Fortnite crew : Vi new crew Member – Epic is introduction new member in fortnite crew . Meet Vi the member of fox clan and their last hope.

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February Fortnite crew
Vi will be available for fortnite crew members on January end (January 31). Things which are available with Vi are
- Foxbow QuiverBack Bling
- Crooked claw pickaxe
- the drift shift wrap
- loading Screen.
Active Fortnite Crew subscribers will get their v bucks on the date they subscribe ( if you subscribe on January 1 then next time you will get your c bucks on February 1). Subscribers have instant access to the current battle pass check it here
Subscribe now to get your new fortnite crew member.
Fortnite January reminder
If you have not subscribed yet, subscribe now and get your this months items which includes
- January Crew Pack: Green Arrow
- February Crew Pack: Vi
- Access to the Chapter 2 – Season 5 Battle Pass
- 1,000 V-Bucks*
Hurry before these items expires. To claim the February crew pack log into the original source you subscribed. You will get your 1000 v bucks on the same date you initially subscribe and same for the next month v bucks.