Sony: Good News and Bad News for Ps4 Fans. Sony is about to increase the prices of ps4 consoles. They admitted that due to higher tax imposed by Trump on import and export cause the high increase in console prices. Tariffs on china manufactured goods could be increase by 15%. Which would make Sony more expensive to export ps4 to America.
But good news is these tariffs will be imposed by December 15 and due to charismas holidays, which increase sale of ps4 and other products. People will be able to buy them without paying some extra money.
But with the high prices on ps4 there are more chances that ps5 will be more expensive. As we know ps5 is launching in 2020.however If we see the technology and other stuff ps5 is coming. For example, ps5 is coming with 8k resolution and image tracing technology.
Spider man on ps4 usually take up to 15 seconds while swinging from one side to another side. But in ps5 it will take less than a second. some other specs you do not forget the great power of 8k resolution which is coming with ps5.
Higher the resolution higher the fun. In addition to that you need HDMI 2.1 because HDMI 2.0 only works with 4k.Specially created SSD for PS console is creating the hype. They said it will be 19 time more faster than normal SSD