Indian prime minister Narendra Modi (Who used to sell chai (tea) for living ) Surpassed Einstein after giving his hilarious Cloud Theory. And people of India mocking him hard after that and making fun of him.
Before presenting you Modi Cloud Theory , Have in mind that he is not only one who gave such hilarious kind of theories. There is big number of genius minds in India who did that before.
What is Cloud Theory ?
Narendra Modi said in a interview
There are so many clouds, and its raining these days. we have benefit that we can go undetected by Pakistani radars
Modi ordered air attacks on Pakistan in February based on his Cloud theory. Main reason was election and BJP wanted to stay in government by bragging . In that attack they lost their 2 to 3 MIG-21 and Pakistani army caught their wing commander ( Abhenandin ) later they released him for good will gesture.
Twitter Trolling Modi
@Rprasad12 said:
Many countries has wasted million of dollars on Stealth Technology to make fighter air craft invisible to radars.They over looked Modi cloud cover Technology.
@salmansoz said:
On PM Modi’s radar & clouds comment, it seems no one clarified for the PM how radars work. if that is the case, then it is a very serious national security issue. No laughing matter!
@SitaramYechury said:
National security is not something to be trifled with . Such an irresponsible statement from Modi is highly damaging. Somebody like this can’t remain India’s PM.
@kunalkumra said:
He’s one step away saying he was the pilot.
He also blundered that he helped to create this technology by sending them email with an attachment. He bragged because country is having their last phase of mammoth general election. Result shows that BJP is still ahead and likely to return but with less seats as compare t 2014.
-Good wishes for Indian.