what is Fall Guys Alternative on Mobile, Fall guys is a multiplayer online funny amazing game. Fall Guys got fame this year although it was developed years ago.
You can buy this game on Steam fir $20. It is mysteriously funny and amazing game. So how you can play it on Mobile? is it free on android or ios?

Well it is free on android but consider it a lighter version of Fall Guys Alternative on android.
How to Download Fall Guys for Mobile
What you have to do is go to your Play store on Android and search for Fall guys. There are a lot of copies and you will not be able to download the original one.
So they name FALL Guys as Among us on Android. Its has more than 52M downloads on android google playstore.
I played it and it was like a bit childish to me. So if you want to download Among Us also known as Fall Guys Go to this Link.
Although its a lighter and alternative of Fall Guys on Mobile. But in case you want to spend some money and want to play it on Pc go on Steam to buy it.
But if you want to play it for free check my this article How to Download Falls Guys for free.