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Google AdSense: How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01

Google AdSense: How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01
How to Fix [OR-BAIH-10] or [OR-IEH-01] in Google AdSense MORTALTECH

Google AdSense: How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01,  I will show you how you can fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01 and verify your google AdSense account.

Firstly I thought I am the only one who is facing these error(OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01) and they are quite headache.

Secondly there are not any fixes available on internet. which makes it more complex.


I posted on the official google AdSense form, wondering if someone could help me, but nothing at all.

What is OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01

So lets start, I will show you how to fix hold on you account. Before I start let me give you some information about these errors.

OR-BAIH-10-error-and-OR-IEH-01 mortaltech
How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 how to fix [OR-IEH-01]
These errors occur due to false/wrong information you entered while adding bank account (OR-BAIH-10 and [OR-IEH-01]). You may have entered wrong bank account name or swift or other information.

if you have entered your information correct, make sure you do not have any hold on your payments.

Hold on your payments occur when you did not submitted the Tax Information, did not verified you identity, you have not verified your address.

For complete information of hold on your payments ClickHere.

How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01

Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01, if you are seeing these errors and there is Hold on your payments. First Fix Hold on your payments.

Fix Hold on your payments

Things to consider, if you have not verified “You haven’t verified your identity“, “You haven’t verified your address” or “You haven’t removed a self-hold

You haven’t verified your identity – this occur when you have not verified your google account. by verifying your google account will fix this hold.

You haven’t verified your address –  this occur when you have not verified your address, google will send you letter containing a pin. You have to enter this pin to verify the address.

You haven’t removed a self-hold – this occur when you have placed a hold by your self, minimum thresh hold or some other, they are easy to remove.

If you do not have any of these then you can easily verify your account.

Verify your google AdSense account

You have to verify your account to release hold from your account. ClickHere to go to the official link to verify your google AdSense account.

Steps to Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01

1- Go to the link and you will asked for the information like CNIC, Name and  Email.

How to Fix [OR-BAIH-10]
verify your account mortaltech
2- Enter your first name and last name as it is on your CNIC. Also provide your active email so you can receive replies from google team.

How to Fix [OR-BAIH-10] and [OR-IEH-01] Google AdSense
verify your account username email mortaltech
3- From options “Please Select the Impacted Google Service” select Google AdSense. Payments profile ID  from your google AdSense account and add it here.

how to fix [OR-IEH-01]
select payment profile id 1 mortaltech
4- If you do not know how to get your Payments profile ID you can get as given in the image.

select payment profile id
select payment profile id

5- Submit your id card , if you have address on one side and ID card number on other side. Select no and upload front and back image of the id card.

how to fix [OR-BAIH-10]
verify your google adsense account
after submitting you will get a conformation email from the google team. like one in the image given below.

How to Fix [OR-IEH-01]
thank you for submitting documents

When you get this email, frequently check your inbox for the reply after this step. They will send you email regarding the information they further need to verify your account.

They will ask you about the following information so they can verify your google adsense account .

  1. Full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Place (including country) of birth
  4. Nationality
  5. National ID number with type of ID and issuing country
  6. Passport number with issuing country
  7. Full physical address and country of location

Fix [OR-BAIH-10] and [OR-IEH-01]
2nd email about the information to google verification
reply the email with the information they are asking in the sequence they asked. Also upload a copy of CNIC from front and back in case your address and ID number is on different sides.

After you provide them with the information the are asking, once they verified the information they will send you email ” hold on your account has been released”.

How to Fix [OR-BAIH-10] and [OR-IEH-01] Google AdSense
hold on your account has been released
Finally hold on your payment has been released, now you can add your bank account but do not add your account yet. You have to wait for some time so status of your back to normal and it will take some time.

How to Fix OR-BAIH-10 Important Do Not Add Bank Account Yet

i also tried to add bank account when my hold on account was released. but still i was getting same OR-BAIH-10. I tried again and again still it was there.

Today I added my bank account after a month (after my Fix OR-BAIH-10 and OR-IEH-01) and it was added on first try without error. So you have to wait at least a month so your account status refreshes.

i hope this will help you to get you payment back and fixes your google AdSense error OR-BAIH-10 or OR-IEH-01.

How to Fix [OR-BAIH-10] and [OR-IEH-01] Google AdSense
successfully added bank account in adsense
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  1. Seems like the very best help I have found so far. Never has Google AdSense asked me to verify my identity through this link – I thought I had done this step because I did do a simple verification of my account.
    Anyway, feels like progress on an issue I have been struggling with for months. Thanks!

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