Fall Guys : Ultimate Knockout Criticism, here’s what I see in this game (Fall Guys): potential. Is it the best designed game out there? No.
Is it the best multiplayer game out there? No. Is it the best optimized game out there (at least at the time of writing)? No.
Download free : Fall guys : Ultimate Knockout free
Download Steam: Fall guys : Ultimate Knockout free
But what it does have is an amazing base game that’s incredibly addicting. Even for the $20 its selling for, which in my opinion is a bit high.
it’s still a fantastic game that is incredibly fun to play with a group of friends.
Obviously there’s a lot missing here: private multiplayer, custom matches, the lack of maps.
actually being able to use your own name (lol), and the crackdown on cheating (to be completely fair I haven’t encountered any).
If you’re skeptical about the game, I wouldn’t blame you for waiting for it to go on sale or waiting until more content is added.
We’ve seen this song and dance before: games release with a bare bones experience that’s wildly fun, but gets old fast. That being said, I hope the developers continue to make this game better and better.
Cut them some slack too, they got flooded with a player base they couldn’t have expected. Let them get back on their feet after the floodgates opened, and show us what they can do.
Please keep going devs, I’m having a ton of fun so far but it’s got a bit of a ways before it’s really amazing. 8/10.
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