PS5 Pre Order Walmart Can We Order Now, As we all know ps5 release date has been confirmed. But can we apply for pre order ? Although month and year has been confirmed. Someone says it will launch during Christmas.
Well we are desperately waiting for ps5 and it is getting delay. So the point is, Can you also pre order it form walmart ?
Here is an official statement from Sony. They said their is a chance that you can pre order a ps5 console.
There will be a limited quantity of PS5 consoles available for pre-order, so we will be inviting some of our existing consumers to be one of the first to pre-order one from PlayStation.
Pre-order reservations will be taken on a first-come-first-serve basis, so once you get an invite via email, we encourage you to follow instructions and act fast.
If you are interested in receiving an invitation, register below.
If selected, we will contact you via email with instructions and details.
If you want to apply for pre order you can directly apply it on their website . But there is a chance and most probably you wont be invited for pre order.
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Same thing for Walmart, ps5 order on walmart can not be placed right now. I was checking their is any hint, but no you can not get any pre orders. There are limited numbers of units which can be pre orders.
Doesnt matter if we can not pre order our console from WALMART. Sooner or later we will get our hands on ps5. If you want to check which are great 5 games on ps5. You can go to this and watch.
Till then keep dreaming about your PS5 (Pre Order Walmart) and its amazing features like, 8k graphics and 3d sound and all the fun you will have while playing on it.