Avengers End game: need to go for pee because it is too long. You might need to go for it from 2 to 3 times. It’s not always pee well may be this time it’s a , poo. Normally a human being pee more than 6 times, and you should count that for yourself.Think you are paying $15 to $20 dollars to see the movie, would you like to miss any scene?
pro (pee-ro) Tips:
Here are some pro tips you must know before going for Avengers End game. Drink less water for your special day (nope not wedding day). Empty your water purifying system before the movie starts. You can do that at home or you can do that in the cinema but before the movie starts.And Not in the movie hall, in the bathroom.
But not always things go as planned and going to washroom left us only choice. Fellow if you really need to make your bladder happier than here are some movie tips you must know. You should set reminders for scenes where you can complete Mission impossible.
Avengers End Game at 55 Minutes:
So if you had a little bit idea of Hawk-eye and you were sure that he might join his gang again. Than here is the right time to do your thing and yes you would miss a little bit of fight scene.
At 1 hour and 3 minutes:
If you love your bladder more than infinity stone and you have heard of them before .Again here is another chance, you can go for a clean sweep.
At 1 hour and 10 minutes:
Rocket and Thor go somewhere for their girly talk and spent some minutes there. Another chance for landing in the great states of Bathroomia for pee.
At 1 hour and 40 minutes:
Here starts a cut scene when a car drive by, and you can shazam it to your station. After all that, you are still thinking about bathroom than man its End Game for you.
I like to pee cause it feels good and I pee a lot
than you have to schedule your timing 😀
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