Top 5 windows 11/10 tricks 2023 and windows shortcuts, If you are Windows frequent user, it’s helpful to be aware of any shortcuts to speedup the methods that would help to utilize Windows much more successfully than merely using your mouse.
Windows 11/10 tricks 2023 and windows shortcuts
In our most recent windows tips and windows tricks piece, we’ll walk you through 5 of the best Windows hacks and techniques to make your life much simpler.
1- Delete Browser History
Press windows shortcut CTRL+Shift+DEL in your browser and see what happens if you want to fast remove your browsing history but don’t want to navigate through several settings to get there? The option to see your browser history will display!
2- Select URL in Browser Windows Tricks
Sometimes you are working on browser and want to select the lick without using your mouse? Don’t worry. Use windows shorcut F6 on your keyboard, and it will magically become highlighted!
3- Directly Open Task Manager
Use windows Shortcut CTRL+Shift+ESC will send you directly to Task Manager itself without any additional clicks, as opposed to the traditional method of using CTRL+ALT+DEL when your computer crashes. making your life simpler if you’re attempting to clean up your PC as quickly as feasible.
4- Show Desktop
Do you still have the taskbar icon for showing your desktop from Windows’s earlier versions? The ability to quickly use windows shortcut WIN+D on your keyboard has long since replaced those times. in case you cannot find the window button, it on the left side of left Alt button. It looks like a wavy Windows flag.
Lock your computer immediately.
5- Lock Your Screen windows shorcut
By hitting WIN + L (windows shorcut), you may keep your computer/laptop safe while stepping away from it. This allows you to keep your documents open but prevents unauthorized users from accessing your machine without your password. to keep your computer and laptop secure, this is an excellent practice to get into.
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