AMCTheatre Reopening Welcome Back to the Movies, Celebrating their 100 years of movies and AMCTheatre reopen and some of them will open soon so you can watch movies at amcTheatres.
They have updated their menus and services due to covid 19. Reduced touch points to increase you safety. They have reduced the lines and auditorium capacity for social distancing.

Mask for All
Corona virus is reduced but still they are using precautions to reduce the risk. For this reason Mask are required for every one. For the Guests and also for the Workers .

Mask should cover your nose and chin and fit perfectly on your face. if you do not have any mask you can buy it for $1.
Food & Drinks

Mask are must everywhere in the theater, but there is an exception in the auditorium. you can remove you mask. Remove your mask to enjoy you drink and meal in the auditorium.
Social Distancing
Maintain your social distance to avoid and secure your health. Follow the signs marked in there for you help.
Auditorium Capacities at amctheatre
AMC, AMC DINE-IN™ and AMC CLASSIC® have capacity which is less than or equal to 40%. New ticketing
Technology can block either side of you seats but they will be enough space for social distancing.

In auditorium do not offer reserved seats and please make sure to sufficient space between you and other guests. You can leave your seat at any time, if you do not feel good on your seat change your seat with other social distancing seat or see a assistant.
Cashless Transactions at amctheatre
Place where credits cards, AMC gift cards and other chosen methods are preferred, But cash is also acceptable. It is also used to purchase AMCgift cards for movies.

At concessions and MacGuffins bar cash is not accept able. It is due to reduce contact with cash and food handling. Cash are only acceptable at this point if no other method of payment is not possible at amctheatre.
Refills Unavailable

AMCTheatres reopen – AMC Popcorn™ and Coca-Cola® refills are currently unavailable to reduce the contact at AMC Theater.
Daily Health Checking AMCTheatre

We frequently check temperature and other measure for our managers and crew before starting their shifts. If you have a fever or anyone else from the crew they must have stay home until they are symptoms free for at least 72 hours.
Self-Check Your Health
If you have cough or fever or any other symptoms related to Covid 19, please quarantine at home and come back to watch movies when you are feeling well.
Frequent Hand Washing

People are advised to wash their hand for at least 30 seconds. Do not touch your face , nose and wash your hand with soap or sanitizer. Stay Healthy at AMCTHEATRe
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