Home Gaming CyberPunk 2077 release date , trailer and Keanu Reeves

CyberPunk 2077 release date , trailer and Keanu Reeves

CyberPunk 2077 release date , trailer and Keanu Reeves
Cyberpunk 2077 and keanu reeves - Mortal tech

Cyberpunk 2077 an upcoming rpg game featuring Keanu reeves. it is developed by CD PROJEKT. Keanu reeves recently announced the game on E3, he has actually a major role in the game. Main theme is  based on an event set almost 50 years in the future. REDengine4 is used to develope the game.

More than 400 staff members were involved in the game production , which is exceeding the number of staff involved in company previous game – The Witch : Wild Hunt.

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If you know Keanu Reeves is a part of this game. On stage of E3 Keanu Reeves said, CD Projekt approached me about a year ago showed me script. Then they asked if i want to join them. Then i said yes to them. See the trailer, he appeared their just for some seconds but that has something awesome to come.

That is why when some asked to directors if Keanu has just a small role in the game? Director said , it took use 15 days just to record his dialog in the studio for the game. Which make sure he has great role in the game.

Keanu Reeves and Cyberpunk 2077

Keanu Reeves is a well known actor. He appeared in number of block buster films. The Matrix series and the one and only John Wick. After that now in a game , which won more then 100 awards at E3 2018. the best trailer , best rpg game, best game for xbox and  also best game for pc. In other words  Keanu Reeves and Cyberpunk 2077 are made for each other.

According to a news , Lady Gaga has visited the Cyberpunk Studio and she has a role of character in this game as well.

Cyberpunk Release Date

Game will release in April 16, 2020. It will available for xbox , ps and Pc as well. In short we have to wait until this amazing game make it way to our hands.




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