Scripps National Spelling Bee Octo-champions (8 champions)

National Spelling Bee has 8 Champions

Scripps National Spell Bee - Mortal Tech
Scripps National Spell Bee - Mortal Tech

Scripps National Spelling Bee has 8 champions this year , as the record of 92 year has broken. Unbelievably the show has 8 champions for a single Spelling championship. All of them completed 20 rounds of intense battling with dictionary.

Competitors who won the Scripps National Spelling bee are: #Speller5 Rishik Gandhasri, #Speller93 Erin Howard ,#Speller132 Saketh Sundar, #Speller307 Shruthika Padhy , #Speller354 Sohum Sukhatankar, #Speller407 Abhijay Kodali, #Speller427 Christopher Serrao, #Speller462 Rohan Raja

Surprisingly they all will receive amount of $50,000 and a champion tag for the 2019 show. Although this is unusual but they all worked so hard that even dictionary lost to them

“Your first official look at our 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee Co-Champions. Each speller will receive a Scripps Cup and $50,000 cash prize from Scripps. After 20 rounds of intensive, record-breaking competition, they’re all going home as winners.” #spellingbee

Spell Bee Champions Interview with CNN

All 8 champions were invited to CNN for the interview , how did they learned and how did they know those difficult words. CNN anchor person asked if any of those words were new to them. More she added how did you guys studied any practiced all these things. Further she asked, how will they distribute the money. Answer to these questions were amazing. One of the champion said, it is not about the money, it is about the memory and practice and effort we make. They said , we study with root and pattern and went into detail for every single word. That is the technique and that is how we study and practice.

Most of the words were so difficult even till now, i am not able to pronounce them. Many of words were new to me, honestly i have never heard of them before in my entire life.

Most of these kids studied , 4 to 5 hours on weekends. One of the kid said, as competition cam nearer i studied about 10 hours a day.



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